Sony NEX-5N


Szczegóły Techniczne

  • Sony NEX 5N - what's new? (Filmed with A77) 08:49

    Sony NEX 5N - what's new? (Filmed with A77)

    It didn't seem so long ago when we reviewed the NEX 5( Sony have been taking their mirrorless system to new levels and recently release...

  • Autumn - Getting Cinematic with the Sony NEX-5N 02:49

    Autumn - Getting Cinematic with the Sony NEX-5N

    Took the NEX-5N out for a quick, 4-hour Sunday-session to put Sony's pint-sized beauty through the paces. Visit for information. T...

  • Sony NEX-5n Video Overview 10:33

    Sony NEX-5n Video Overview

    My full written review with photos, video samples and more is at

  • Análisis Sony NEX-5n 05:15

    Análisis Sony NEX-5n

    Análisis para Xataka Foto de la Cámara Sony NEX-5n, una excelente alternativa dentro de las CSC, con un sensor de gran calidad y resaltado de enfoque o focus...

  • Sony NEX-5N vs NEX-5R 12:29

    Sony NEX-5N vs NEX-5R

    NEX-5R full review: NEX-5R vs NEX-6: NEX-5R update:

  • Обзор Sony NEX-5N 03:42

    Обзор Sony NEX-5N

    Видеобзор компактной фотокамеры со сменной оптикой Sony NEX-5N с 16-мегапиксельным CMOS-сенсором формата APS-C. Узнать цены на Sony NEX-5N:

  • Sony NEX-5N - Review en Español Digitalrev4U 06:45

    Sony NEX-5N - Review en Español Digitalrev4U

    En Digitalrev4U analizamos la nueva cámara Sony NEX-5N, sus 16 megapixeles y su video en Full HD la hacen una cámara de una calidad superior, ya que en un ta...

  • Sony NEX-5N Review 05:00

    Sony NEX-5N Review

    The NEX-5N is Sony's replacement for the award winning NEX-5. I took it out around the city of Sydney to show you how this camera performs and to find out if...

  • Sony NEX 5N cinematic test video (Time - Hans Zimmer) 02:28

    Sony NEX 5N cinematic test video (Time - Hans Zimmer)

    Made some test footage at the dock with my new camera, sony nex 5n. I used After Effects for collor correction / effects and premiere to put it all together....

  • Sony NEX 5N - Video Shooting Tips 04:23

    Sony NEX 5N - Video Shooting Tips

    Some basic pointers on how to shoot video with the NEX-5N.. and avoid that clicking sound that people have been talking about.

  • Recording HD Video using the Sony Nex-5n 06:22

    Recording HD Video using the Sony Nex-5n

    Want to Learn Photography?? Join My New Forum!! Forum Home: Whats Hot on the Forum:

  • - Trên tay Sony NEX-5N 05:53
  • wedding video with sony nex 5n 03:21

    wedding video with sony nex 5n

    Filmed using Sony nex 5n and steadicam (glidecam 2000). For extreme slowdown twixtor I used.

  • Intro to Product Photography using the Sony Nex-5n 06:07

    Intro to Product Photography using the Sony Nex-5n

    In this video tutorial I'll show you how I photographed the Sony Alpha 77 and the Sony Alpha 580 using the Sony Nex-5n. Pretty simple and strait forward proc...

  • Sony NEX-5N review 41:40

    Sony NEX-5N review

    A short, sharp review of the NEX-5N, Sony's inspired hybrid of compact and SLR technology. Head to for more.

  • Sony NEX-5N review 03:41

    Sony NEX-5N review

    Sony NEX-5N review Read our full review at: Like us on Facebook: ...